International Alliance of Mental Health Research Funders

The International Alliance of Mental Health Research Funders (IAMHRF) unites funders across borders to increase the impact of research investments to help to develop the sector.

The IAMHRF was an early initiative of GBF. One of the key accomplishments of the IAMHRF while under GBF leadership was the IAMHRF landmark report, ‘The Inequities of Mental Health Research Funding’, published in November 2020. It analyzes over 75,000 grants to provide the first global baseline for how much money is spent on mental health research. The report was accompanied by a Health Policy paper in the Lancet Psychiatry.

The Graham Boeckh Foundation, in collaboration with other mental health research funders, pioneered the IAMHRF in 2009 and remained its administrative host until May 2024. The Alliance’s move to a new host will facilitate greater diversity of funding, increased resources, and the expansion of the scope of activities.

GBF continues to help fund the Alliance and will stay involved as a member.